By Koning Sport Horses on Sunday, 06 August 2023
Category: News

End of a great 2023 covering season

​Koning Albert has enjoyed another successful season collecting for some lovely mares, and all of the previous years' mares have all had absolutely gorgeous foals.

There are many people to thank for Berti's success πŸ‘

Firstly to our wonderful riders, Dani and Ellie, who compete and school Berti and get him out there showing him to his best ability. 

To Jimmy Farnham our farrier and Nicola Baguley the Physio for keeping the horses sound.

To Julia, Lindsay and Emma at Future Sport Horses, who accommodate Berti's quirks with a smile, advise Jill on any stud subject and process the collections with true professionalism. 

To Blue Chip Feeds for providing Berti with the Vitamins and nutrients in their Blue Chip Pro and Stallion Supplement to enable Berti to perform at his best. 

To Evoequine, CWD and 247 Clothing Direct for providing Berti with his beautiful tack and embroidered clothing. 

To Sally at Revive Rugs for all the rug cleaning, repairs and support

To Kevin Bacons Equine UK for all their products which make Berti look super smart

To VIP Equestrian for the wonderful gel saddle pad that Berti wears under his saddle every time he is ridden and helps him feel free across his topline.

To Equito Midlands for providing us with the "Berti-mobile" aka Mini Margaret which safely transports Berti around the Country. 


most of all to all the wonderful mare owners, who believe in Berti enough to use him on their wonderful mares, and then show their lovely foals to other people as they are pleased with whast Berti has helped create.


To you all..... THANK YOU πŸ₯°

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