First Elementary FSM and it's two more wins

So that he doesnt feel left out, we treat Mr. Koning Sport Horses to a dressage outing 🙈

Off we tootle to Manor Grange Stud for our very first go with our new Elementary Freestyle to Music, beautifully put together by Equidance. The music Jill loves is played by the group "Two Steps from Hell" and is such empowering music and suits Koning Albert very well.

The music only arrived this week, and Ellie Roberts has ridden it through once, so there were going to be timing errors and tweaks to be made, but Ellie was pleased with how it rode. The results looked fantastic and clearly even with some green errors, the judge liked it and with 69% they won the class.

The new Ele 6 test was also an interesting one, and I've no idea how Ellie remembers them, but she did and under a different judge, they again, took the class with 69% again. We even got prize money!

The test shown below is the shortened version. Photos not great as they are taken off my video.

For the full tests see and