Koning Sport Horses are delighted to announce that our gorgeous stallion, Koning Albert was awarded "Approved" status by the Anglo European Studbook at their stallion grading day held at British Showjumping's training facility in Hothorpe, Leicestershire.

He was the only stallion awarded with the prestigious "Approved" award on the day and we can't thank the judges enough for thinking so highly of him. Koning Albert was selected for the Eventing section based on his type and ability, and with 43% blood, a super cool temperament and being very genuine, he is ideally suited.

So many people have helped Albert achieve this status, from Theo Swaanen for breeding him, Corina van Duin for finding him for us, all the Team at Gerdine Hoeve for breaking him in, to the trainers that have helped us along the way.

Special thanks to Daisy Williams for producing him and for Daniella Johnston and Ellie Roberts who now school and compete him for Koning Sport Horses.

Dani did a beautiful job of showing him on the day and jumping the course set out by Piggy March, and Albert of course loved all the attention.